We are officially on LBI. It's beautiful weather and we're just relaxing and enjoying time with family. We got in EARLY on 8/28, and we got to the rental car agency and it was taking forever. There was gentleman at the counter and his wife was sitting down on the chair and Michael asked what was wrong because they didn't get a car. It turned out this couple was just trying to make it home. They had a run of bad luck while in Florida waiting to catch their cruise. The wife's purse was stolen and about $12K of their money/jewelry was taken. They were just hoping to rent a car to make it home in Philadelphia. Michael is such a good samaritan. He told me he had to help them so he offered to rent them a car to get them home. The guy at the counter initially gave him a hard time, but understood that we were doing the right thing and allowed it. The couple was so appreciative and by us helping them restored Susie's faith in human kind again. Aidan of course entertained everyone during the long wait. Although we didn't make it to LBI until 3 a.m., we felt we did the right thing and we hope one day they will in turn do something nice for someone else in need.

We finally made it to the beach this morning really briefly just to get Aidan out on the sand and while I'm typing Michael is off with Aidan building sand castles. Here are a couple pictures from this morning. Aidan with his signature "ojiichan" face.
It's been really good relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. Well, of course, I'm doing emails and all, but I feel very much relaxed. It's something about the Jersey shore, it's relaxing and it feels like home...