DK Designs Clay Flower Bouquet - Pink and White Roses with Stephanotis and Mini CallasHere's the 2nd bouquet of the two that I finished this morning. Talk about moving at lightning fast speed... I started these bouquets on Sunday and completed them on Tuesday. This afternoon I have a 3rd bouquet order I need to get moving on, but I wanted to share pictures from this bouquet with my readers!
This client came to me fairly last minute (back in late June) to see if I could create her bouquet. She LOVED my "Tasha" bouquet and asked if I could please squeeze her order in because she is one of my biggest fans... She would not take "no" for an answer and you know how much I hate to say "no" to anyone interested in my designs. Tasha's bouquet was filled with mauvish pink rose buds, creamy white roses, stephanotis flowers with pearl centers and mini white callas on the perimeter. The difference is that when I did Tasha's bouquet, I did it on a styrofoam center, but now I do all my bouquets with clay stems so it truly is a "hand-tied" bouquet.

So we talked about price and any changes in colors. She wanted more of a blush pink so we modified it a bit. Because every bouquet is one-of-a-kind, I try not to create the same exact bouquet, but something close to it. So even though Jessica (funny thing is both my clients are Jessica W's!) wanted the Tasha bouquet, I used it as my inspiration to create what you see. Slightly larger roses and I made the roses a more champagne ivory rather than just plain cream roses. The mini white callas with hints of green are scattered throughout the bouquet rather than lined up on the outer perimeter like the original bouquet.
So, basically you won't every get two bouquets that are exactly alike which I think would probably make my brides VERY HAPPY because they know that no one on this earth will have the same one as she and it will forever be her signature bouquet!
Congratulations Jessica and Best Wishes for a wonderful wedding day!