Saying Goodbye to a Dear FriendA couple of days ago, my dearest friend and old college roomie, Noriko had posted that her dog, Boss is very sick and that she wouldn't be posting many blogs for a while. I immediately emailed her and she emailed me this afternoon to tell me that 2 hours prior to that Boss had passed away in his sleep. :(
Sorry I don't have any digital images of Boss when Noriko and I lived together, but this is the last picture I took together with Boss when Michael and I visited Japan in 2004. He had just had cataract surgery, but he was still as "genki" (full of joy and happiness) and cute as I remember him even though he was now an "ojiisan" (grandpa/old man).
Boss is a Boston Terrier. Boss was my first encounter with the Boston Terrier breed. It's the one breed that I really fell in love with and that I wasn't really allergic to! Boss was the most loveable dog. Noriko and her friend had bought Boss in San Diego before we had met when he was only a puppy. When Noriko and I moved in together for our last year of graduate school Boss and I became very close. He had the best personality and was so loveable. the best thing I liked about him was that he would burrow himself under all the blankets to keep warm or sleep between my legs or under my arm just to keep warm.
Even after Noriko moved back to Japan with Boss, I would from time to time visit her when I would be there for my job several years ago. No matter how much time had passed, Boss remembered who I was. He would hear me on the phone and would go nuts because he knew who I was. Even when I went to see him after not seeing him for 3 years, he still remembered me. I guess a dog never forgets the ones he loves and who take care of him.
Boss truly was Noriko's best friend, faithful companion and her child. Noriko and her husband don't have children so their dogs are their children. They go everywhere with them! Dog is man or in this case, a woman's best friend and when they leave us, it really feels like the loss of a dear loved one. Boss lived 16 years, 4 months and 7 days!!! That's a LONG time for a Boston Terrier dog.

I too have a Boston Terrier, Brig - short for Brigadoon (seen here sporting a Christmas bow). Michael grew up with Boston Terriers so we knew when it was time to buy a dog, we had to have that breed. I can't imagine our lives without our spaz case dog, Briggy! So my heart and thoughts go out to my best friend, Noriko who is having to cope with the loss of someone who meant the absolute world to her! Love you Boss and we will miss you! :)