Sunday, August 2, 2009

6 White Peony Cake Flowers

Seems like my posts of late are all about cake flowers! LOL. This next one is about my client who found me via Estilo Weddings. Because Estilo Weddings is taking a short break while Maria has her first child, until Spring 2010, she told Elizabeth to contact me directly.
Elizabeth asked if I could make six 4.5" in diameter all white peony cake flowers. So this is how they turned out. I can't wait to see this cake with the flowers. Wishing Elizabeth and her fiance all the best on their wedding day!

I had to put my watermark in my flower images which looks a little obnoxious, but I had a little incident that made me stop and think that while I didn't want to do it, what happened reminded me that I need to after finding my images being used without my permission and my copyright information cropped out of my images on another website. Unthinkable that someone would do that, but it is what it is.
At any rate, I've been busy working on white anemone cake flowers. This one has 12 in all so I'm excited to share that, just wish I had a cake big enough to put all 12 on! LOL.

1 comment:

marie christine said...

Those flowers are amazing !