While I've been swamped with working on multiple orders and trying to stay motivated, I worked on some little gifts to give to our dear friends' children for our Easter celebration tomorrow night. Every week we have "game" night for the kids and each of the families makes something to share with everyone. Granted game night often becomes no game night, but we always have a good time.

Since tomorrow, game night has been replaced with coloring Easter eggs for the kids, I decided to make some gifts for the little ones. Well, Easter, you think of bunnies and chicks. Um... well, my friends' kids each have their favorite stuffed animal that they take everywhere and I decided to make these cute little cups with a replica of their stuff animal in a Easter theme. Of course Easter is not complete with loads of candy. Loved how these turned out. Now I have to find time to make Sid the Sloth or Curious George for my son as he was not too happy that I didn't make him one too.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter filled with lots of sweet treats and eggs! I'm very thankful this year that my son is healthy and can enjoy the festivities with our friends and family!
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