We finally decided on a title for our collaboration piece. We have titled it -
Fleuri - a breathtaking collection of flora & fauna!

I am happy to say that the 5 floral boxes I had to design for the 30 year collaboration project that Myrna and I are working on is finally done!

The shades of pink box consisted of fuchsia pink peonies, light pink peonies with hints of peach, camelias, plum blossoms, nerine, and gloriosa lilies. I am not 100% happy with my nerine blossoms, but I thought it would go along nicely with the gloriosa lilies since they have a similar structure and they are whimsical. I can't take credit for the plum blossoms. These are the ones Myrna made for me that were left over from my order back in December. I love the gloriosa lilies. Granted structurally they are not 100% correct, but their beauty of the flame like petals is pretty close. For the purpose of this project, I think they look great.

Myrna is still working on her pieces. Here are pictures of her fall inspired box with an apple blossom tree, an owl and some raccoons in a little garden scene. She used coral dupioni silk as a backdrop to tie in the coral floral box I created.

Myrna also did a summer inspired box with lilacs similar to the ones she remembered in her backyard growing up with a cute nest of birds on the branch! She has the winter and spring boxes to finish but she plans to share that by Sunday!
Sometime next week I will have the completed piece all put together of our 9 boxes! Can't wait to share!