Last Wednesday, I was very fortunate to have Kazuko and YukikoMiyai at my DK Designs Studio to teach my students who are not yet instructors. I had 10 students come to take the special workshop class. Yukiko and Kazuko were very exhausted, jet lagged from their traveling from Japan and long days of teaching.To take class from these two amazing women is a REAL treat so it was one class I didn't want my students to miss.
They have not been back in the Bay Area for probably 6-7 years (around the time when I first started teaching in the Bay Area). It was very special for me that they see my studio done and to see how much the DECO Clay Craft Academy family has grown and continues to grow. The class was made up of C1, C2 students and a couple of my instructors. The class focused on making tigers out of the CLAYCRAFT by DECO soft clay and the Elite clay. It was amazing how quickly Kazuko created this amazing tiger. I think in less than 10 minutes start to finish she had one done. TRULY AMAZING!!! My students were in awe, but they all got their chance to make 2 tigers. As you know 2010 is the year of the tiger and we always do Christmas and New Year's related projects around this time of year. Kazuko said she was VERY impressed at how well everyone did given their skill level. After we finished the tigers, they quickly demonstrated how to make a pinball mum. I love this new technique and flower and it looks so real! I wanted to share some photos of the class. I hope that Yukiko and Kazuko will visit again next year and share their talents and knowledge with my students. We had some desserts and refreshments and I think everyone enjoyed the fellowship and some of my students commented that they would like to get together with more of the other students again. So maybe a Christmas party is in order (maybe not this year, but who knows)... It was a nice time. Myrna and I were exhausted because we did homework until 2:30 that night after that class.Thank you again to Kazuko and Yukiko and we look forward to having you teach again at the DK Designs studio in the not so distant future!
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