(This is the studio after the carpet had been ripped out and the wallpaper removed.)Sorry I have been bad about posting to my blog the last couple of weeks, but there are some good reasons why and one of them is because I've been busy working on getting my design studio fully functional. There are still a few things that need to be worked on, but for the most part the studio is complete!
(Walls had been painted and tables moved back in.) I always said I wanted to have my own studio one day and I'm so happy that I have one and it's beautiful! Now my students and my clients walk into a bright and spacious design studio to take class or do consultations. I have tons of room to work and I love the decor.
(The main studio wall with my 18x24 prints, photography by Debbie Friedrich, custom wall logo by Single Stone Studios.)I'm so very fortunate to have zenatona prints and canvas art throughout my studio as it really compliments my clay flowers. I am also very fortunate that my friend was able to print me poster prints of my work (photography courtesy of Debbie Friedrich Photography). I had envisioned for my main studio wall initially shelves with my arrangements on them, but since it's an area where my students walk to get to their work tables, I decided that it should be filled with pictures and my own logo! I couldn't be happier with the logo. I amazed myself and actually created a working vector file for Single Stone Studios who I found through Etsy (thanks to Debbie). OMG, Billy at Single Stone Studios answered my emails in the middle of the night his time and got the listing and the design done for me. Literally I ordered it last Wednesday and got it today! I highly recommend their company if you're looking for custom logo vinyl decals! They have some really great designs already, but if you want to brand your company, they do awesome work and their customer service is fabulous!
(Canvas art by zenatona and a shelf with my clay flowers to match the pieces above.) I'll spare you the before photos, but imagine really ugly army green carpets and 70s wallpaper scene of an ocean wallscape. It was 70s kind of tackiness, but growing up as kids we thought it was cool. LOL. The room was never really used much so we found out that it had finished hardwood floors underneath the nasty carpet. My husband first ripped out the carpet from the hallway and then the day before I took off for the Garden Art Party, he took out the carpet and finished the room upon my return. That Sunday, the 11th, I started painting. The transformation is amazing. For my students who had been in the space before the remodel said it's like night and day.
(My storage cabinets with my clay flowers on top and another large print of my flowers courtesy of Debbie Friedrich.)Gone are the days of teaching on my kitchen table, gone are the days of not being able to color match my clay because the room is so dark and the lighting is affected by the nasty green carpets. Now it's a beautiful studio that I absolutely love.
(The right side of the window with more zenatona prints and my clay flowers on the shelf below.)I'm very excited because the studio is complete before Yukiko and Miyai-sensei come to teach classes here next month. I'm excited for them to see it since this will be the first time they have seen the place since I moved back to California and to meet many of my students who have become part of the DECO family in the last 2 years!

(Perfection - my company logo with 18x24 posters of my work!)