(Picture of Noel & Karen from the MarthaStewat.com blog)

DK Designs - As Seen on the Martha Stewart Show!
I arrived on 3/31 to JFK, definitely sleep deprived but excited! I checked into the hotel and got prepared for my 10:30 meeting with the producers. I got right to work with Kristen St. Clair who helped me get the swap outs done for the show. She and Robert helped with how things were going to look on the set and get the swap outs laid out for me the day of the show. They were all so impressed with the flowers and the clay! They had never seen anything like it.
After my swap outs were done Karen, the producer for the segment took me back upstairs and roughly went through the process and what was going to happen on 4/1. It seemed so easy and simple. I felt really good about the show and wasn't nervous by the end
of the day. Everyone was so nice! I went back to my hotel and just vegged out for a while and took a much needed nap. I was able to go to dinner with some friends from San Francisco who were there at the same time. Marc and Jennifer came to support me on 4/1. If you saw the cool and stylish necklace I was wearing on the show... well, Jennifer Erickson, designer and owner of Meditrina Designs (www.meditrinadesigns.com) graciously let me borrow that piece to wear for the show! It's one of my favorite pieces of her's! She has an amazing collection of necklaces, earrings and bracelets. If you're looking for classic, timeless and stylish pieces, check her designs out. You won't be disappointed and she her quality is top notch!
4/1 - What an amazing experience to be on the Martha Stewart Show. I woke up in the morning just so tired and a little nauseous. I think all the excitement and my nerves were finally getting to me. I didn't think I would make it through the day. But as soon as I got to the studio everyone on Martha's production staff was warm and very encouraging. I got the royal treatment with a make up and hair session with Debra and Nicole. They made me look good and hid all my imperfections!
(Deb and Nicole in the background courtesy of Marthastewart.com blog)

Karen Kinney and Noel Rosselli walked me through the entire rehearsal and even though I was nervous up until then, the reahearsal helped to calm my nerves. The production team is AMAZING!!! Every step of they way they were telling me how great I was doing and that everything was fantastic. I wish I got those pep talks every day of my life! :)
So, I didn't get to meet Martha Stewart until I got on the set to do my segment. I saw her during her briefing with her team, but was too busy trying to get ready for my "bump" shots (the intro piece to the show). Martha is so calm and is just like an "everyday" person. She asked me a couple of questions and the segment started. She asked me a couple questions not part of the introduction so I tried to roll with the punches and then the 7 minutes flew by in 1 minute! Literally. I felt like I wasn't getting all the steps down. Martha tried really hard. I think if she could have the whole show to do the flowers she would. She was so intrigued by the clay!
(Joey the Stage Manager who waved signs at me to speed it up! Photo Courtesy of the MarthaStewart.com blog)
The feedback has been ENORMOUS! I got to JFK after the show and I already got comments on the blog, emails of people interested in finished products for their weddings, interested in buying the clay and books. My page views for my website have been shooting through the roof! I average about 50-100/day, and today before I got on the plane was over 2,000 and not all West Coast cities had still viewed the segment.
I think I might have shut the etsy.com website down as I couldn't get on for at least a half hour. I think everyone who saw the show was going to check it out. I already sold all by 2 pieces on my etsy storefront. Not to worry, I will be trying to post more items for sale soon!
It TRULY was an AMAZING experience! Words cannot describe how awesome it was. The production team is TOP NOTCH! Hats off to them and I will forever be so grateful to have worked with such a dedicated, professional, helpful and down-to-earth team! THANK YOU MARTHA STEWART AND THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION, STYLE AND STAGE MANAGEMENT TEAM - especially Karen, Noel, Laura, Kristen, Robert, Joey, Debra, Nicole and Brendan!
You can view the whole show at :