Sunday, February 1, 2009

Phaleanopsis Orchid Wedding Bouquet Replica

A client of mine contacted me several months ago and asked if I could replicate a wedding bouquet. Her and her friends wanted to give it to their best friend as a gift because the bride was so upset she couldn't preserve her wedding bouquet. They couldn't afford to do the full version, but were happy if I could create a somewhat smaller version of her bridal bouquet. It's a beautiful all white phaleanopsis orchid cascade bouquet. I love this orchid as well, it's so crisp, clean and elegant.
The phaleanopsis orchid is hard to recreate in clay because of the detail work involved in the mouth & throat of the flower. So although I cannot recreate all the intricacies of that part of the flower, I have to use my artist intuition on how to recreate it to the best of my ability.
I haven't done too many cascade bouquets to date, but I am happy with the way this one came out. Nothing can replace your bridal bouquet, but I know this client's friend will be so happy to receive this because now she can have a replica of her wedding day bouquet to see every day and think of all the fond and wonderful memories that day brings to her and her husband!Last blog for tonight as I have to get back to work on invitation sample redesigns!

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